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Vocational Expert Areas of Expertise:
Vocational Expert Services, Inc.- Family Law, Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury, Collaborative Family Law, TDIU, Vocational Testing and counseling, and Life Care Planning.
At Vocational Expert Services, Inc., our mission is to offer vocational rehabilitation services crucial to the vocational rehabilitation process and provide an objective analysis of vocational factors for the public, legal, and risk management community.
We provide vocational consultations, expert opinions, and testimony regarding the impact of vocational factors on a person’s employability and wage-earning potential. Our vocational assessment reports and expert opinions are requested in legal matters such as Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Divorce, and TDIU cases. Our vocational counselors are also trained in collaborative divorce cases. Vocational Expert Services also provides vocational counseling for individuals looking to enter the workforce.
Who We Serve
- Attorneys
- Insurance Carriers
- Claims Adjusters
- Third Party Administrators
- Self-Insured
- Governmental Agencies
- Private Companies
- Individuals
Why Consult with a Vocational Expert?
Our vocational consultants provide vocational assessments, labor market surveys, job analysis, and comprehensive employment services.
Vocational experts determine how circumstances such as disability or injury can impact an individual’s potential to return to work by considering how limitations might affect productivity. Additionally, vocational experts evaluate the impact of other vocational considerations such as past work, age, education, and the labor market.