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Areas of Expertise

Vocational Experts for Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury, Family Law, TDIU, and more.

We provide vocational assessments that provide an unbiased assessment of a spouse’s true earning potential.

We provide vocational assessments that explain how vocational factors impact an injured worker’s potential to return to work.

We provide vocational assessments that explain how a person’s injuries impact the ability to return to work as well as pre and post-injury wage-earning capacity.

We provide reliable methodology and industry-standard practices to develop a comprehensive plan for care.

An assessment is used to measure an individual’s vocational aptitude.  It also measures their interests, learning ability, and educational level through testing.  Additionally, it provides information regarding the local labor market and availability of jobs within the local economy.  An assessment will contain a transferable skills analysis of the injured worker’s past work skills and determine whether or not they would transfer to other jobs in the local economy.

Our experts will objectively evaluate an injured worker’s residual functional capacity along with other data gathered during the assessment to determine if the injured worker is able to return to work.  Additionally, at Vocational Expert Services, our experts have the skills necessary to determine this occupational capacity.

Other Services

Vocational Expert Services, Inc. offers Vocational Rehabilitation Services in Central Florida. We work with our community partners to provide vocational evaluation services and vocational rehabilitation services to local agencies. Our experts are approved by the State of Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation as vocational evaluators and employment specialists.

Vocational Expert Services, Inc. offers career counseling and private vocational counseling services. Services range from career coaching for individuals looking to enter the workforce to helping clients refocus their current careers.

Vocational Expert Services, Inc. strives to provide the highest quality of services and products to our clients.

Why Choose Us

o Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
o Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE)
o Certified Disability Management Specialist (CDMS)
o American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/F)
o International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC)
o International Certified Vocational Evaluator (ICVE)
o Professional Vocational Evaluator (PVE)

Vocational Rehabilitation Services in Orlando man on a business call

Vocational Expert Services, Inc. has additional vocational experts available throughout the continental United States and Puerto Rico. We can offer many of our services in a virtual and/or online format.

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